Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Have you seen that new Sonic comercial? I must say that I really have hated those two guys in the car and have vowed to never go to sonic.

But the new one? GENIUS!! "it's a break-feast!"

and I've seriously considered going to sonic now just because of that pun.

so funny!!!


At 9/14/2005 6:47 AM, Blogger LukeMiller said...

you need help. sonic will put you in the ground at an early age.

At 9/14/2005 10:30 AM, Blogger j-lay said...

i'm sorry that you have been brain washed by commercials. my mind is typically anti commercial unless it involves hot women or fast cars.

At 9/15/2005 2:22 PM, Blogger Kerri said...

i love all those commericals. they make me laugh out loud. and especially the very end of them with that 'whapeesh' smacking sound. hilarious.

i'll look for the break-feast one.

At 9/20/2005 5:53 AM, Blogger Shannon said...

if you eat sonic several days a week for a few months it's the ultimate weight gain plan!

and jlay, why am i not suprised by your love of hot women and fast cars... you're becoming predictable dude.

At 10/19/2006 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohh man, this is filling. This breakfast is more like a breakfeast....whooooooooaaaahh!!! BREAKFEAST!!!!!!!!!!!..........

That commercial rocks. :)


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