Black Thumb
I've always had a black thumb. I kill house plants, hell, I even killed a cactus once. Anyway, I'm trying to change all that. Maybe Dale gave me some inspiration.
I've begun an experiment with my poor office plant. The thing has severely outgrown it's pot, so I've repotted it in a bigger pot, but took out one of the three shoots and clipped it. I put that one in a little coffee cup with some water and miracle grow. And it'll definitely be a miracle if the thing sprouts roots.
Luckily, I'm an engineer and not an agronomist like my father. If you leave a piece of equipment to it's own devices, it won't do anything. You can pick up where you left off yesterday. A plant (or any living thing really: cats, bats, rats, gnats, relationships, or people) if left alone without nourishment/attention, will most certainly die. So I think I'll stick with the machines.