phase 2

Well, the deed is done. My homework assignment was to grow out my hair in preparation for the "real" haircut. I must say I was quite nervous, but it went well. The salon had chic leather couches and coffee tables. E's friend C did a good job.
He did have his work cut out for him though. Over the last year or two, many a follicle has jumped ship. C tried to console me with the notion that the application of enough "product" will enhance what is left to create the illusion of more hair...
Well, just look at that picture-- you can clearly see my scalp. It does seem to be a losing battle. My product is called "aquage". Is that the word for water in french? I couldn't make myself put it on this morning. I guess I'll learn how to use it eventually.
I just can't show up to work too stylish. I'm an engineer for pete's sake. Remember Dilbert? Of the three other guys in my team at work, one shaves his head, the other uses clippers with no guard and the third uses just a #3. And they all wear pleats.
But I'm going to have to find a balance somewhere in the middle. I don't want to be too far out of style. Times change, and so should my appearance. I do several things well, but I admit that style is not one of them. So there is no shame in consulting an expert.
Like it or not, people will judge you first on your style way before you've even opened up your mouth to "win good girls with your soul" as they say in the suburbs.